Here are more pictures we have taken since being home from OKC. I am so far behind trying to keep up with everything....Please be patient. I am trying hard to learn all of this multi-tasking stuff!~ Life has been crazy but in a good way and I would not trade it for anything in the world. We are working on getting days and nights straight and trying to make Britten stay up more in the day. This has been the biggest challenge. Any ideas or hints as to make this a success. Thank you for all your calls, cards, gifts, food, prayers, love and support during this very special time with Miss Britten. It is hard to believe that she will be a month in 5 days!!
Love and Blessings,
Kara, Jason, and Britten
all that hair reminds me of Turner when he was that favorite is the one in the green outfit. Seriously, she is BEAUTIFUL!@ Puts a big ole smile on my face! It was so good visiting with you're doing a great job it just takes a little time...a little crying is a good thing :) Love you